- Totem signs
- Platform station signs
- Corporate signing
- Sponsor acknowledgement
- Heritage signing

No-one notices a good signing system. Everyone notices a bad one. It is like a treasure hunt without a prize. We cannot afford to have ‘pretty good’ sign systems. They must be infallible. Travellers in general and commuters in particular are short of time. The slightest flaw in the sign system becomes a major source of irritation to someone who is in a hurry. If, as a result of a flaw in the system, they miss their train, we may well lose their custom in future. We can’t afford to do that.
Signing cannot, by itself, provide the unambiguous guidance system for users of our stations. It must be used in support of well thought out routes and design and location of facilities.
Test your system. Make sure your signs are in exactly the right position. Make sure that someone coming to your station for first time can move without a hitch, as if following a dotted line, straight from the nearest road junction to the train. Even if it works for someone of 6’6″ it may not work for someone of 4’6″. Keep it simple. Get it right for everybody.
All Regional Railways stations will be ‘flagged’ in a unique and distinctive way: the fleximark will appear within a dark blue band on the platform station name and information structure. The fleximark makes its appearance to reinforce the fact that this is indeed a station run by Regional Railways. The PTE symbol will appear on totems and platform station names signs at every station supported by a Passenger Transport Executive, to acknowledge their contribution. And we shall continue to use the tried, tested and unsurpassed Rail Alphabet lettering in black on a white background.
We have developed an additional sign system with a quite separate role. This is known as heritage signing and is used exclusively to point out particular features during journeys along and around the line. It is often associated with specifically designed routes such as the Settle to Carlisle line. These routes are marketed (and new ones may be marketed in future) on the strength of their intrinsic historic interest or the quality of the landscape. Heritage signing provides interesting but non-essential information, which is why it is designed to be distinct from corporate signing.
We don’t have ‘Welcome to….’ signs on Regional Railways. Customers feel welcome in any case when they find themselves in a station that is well lit. has attractive and well-maintained paintwork, good facilities, an excellent signing system and, above all, helpful staff. The public address system – effectively part of of the signing system – is an excellent means of welcoming customers directly and thanking them for travelling with us.