Signing policy – a brief summary

Corporate signing
We have found no way to improve upon black Rail Alphabet on white for all corporate signing applications.
The Regional Railways dark blue branding strip and fleximark is positioned along the lower edge of platform station name signs and information header panels to denote the operator of that station. In Scotland the ScotRail logotype is positioned within the branding strip, to the left of the fleximark.
When refurbishing non-sponsored stations all the signing should be replaced with the new design. New stations will automatically have the new signing. There will be no ‘mix’n’match’ signing, if a single platform station name sign has to be replaced then it must match the others at that individual station.
Sponsored stations
Regional Railways wishes to acknowledge the financial support of PTEs and other major sponsors such as County or Regional Councils on appropriate station signing. This is achieved by the addition of the sponsor’s symbol below the BR symbol on totems, and within a dedicated space to the left of the station name on platform signs. Existing visual solutions will stand until both parties agree to change.
Approval for the addition of County or Regional Council or other major sponsors’ marks must be obtained through the Director, Planning & Marketing and the visual solution progressed through the Identity Working Group on Stations.
Where financial support is received from other contributors we acknowledge that support by means of a specially designed plaque. This plaque is intended to recognise a significant financial contribution and the endorsement of a quality product. Approval for their use must be obtained from the profit centre Marketing Manager.
Negotiation document
This document has been circulated to all managers who negotiate sponsorship agreements with PTEs, County or Regional Councils and other contributors. It clearly illustrates what is and what is not negotiable for sponsorship acknowledgement on station signing. Contact the Identity Manager for details.
Heritage signing
Heritage signing draws attention to significant features (eg summits, viaducts, tunnels, bridges) along and around the line. Its purpose is thus very different from on-station signing and this difference is highlighted by the design; white Joanna lettering on a dark blue background with the fleximark featuring to the left of the main wording. Regional Railways or ScotRail branding only appears on more detailed location signs.
Please note that any valuable or historic signs may be restored where possible but in all cases each application of heritage signing must be approved by the profit centre Marketing Manager.
Line images
Certain lines, such as the Settle-Carlisle Line, have the potential to be promoted as a product in their own right as well as being a means for moving passengers from A to B. The approved line image graphic device may appear on heritage signing in place of the fleximark and the colour scheme of the sign changes to cream Joanna lettering on the specific line image colour background.
The line image may also be used on appropriate local information header panels, promotional print and gifts. It will not be used on corporate signing or rolling stock.
Approval for a proposed line image must be obtained from the Director, Planning & Marketing, before the design solution is progressed through the Identity Working Group on Print.
The Contacts pages at the back of this brochure give details of who to contact to obtain signing. Signing policy is monitored by the Identity Working Group on Stations. Details of Regional Railways branded signing can be found in the Identity Management binder.