- Logotypes
- Fleximark
- House colours
- Typeface
- House style
The new name, Regional Railways, says precisely what the business is. The logotype is a combination of the name – in a bold, serifed, upper case development of the Joanna typeface – and the British Rail symbol. The close association between the two, the size and position of the one vis-a-vis the other, makes a clear statement about the relationship between them. Regional Railways is in the driving seat but is proud to associate itself with all the best qualities of its parent organisation.
ScotRail is the only one of the five Regional Railways profit centres that has a separate logotype. The reason is primarily one of geography. It operates in an area that is virtually self-contained, with relatively little traffic between it and neighbouring regions. ScotRail has built up a good reputation over many years and its name has acquired excellent connotations in the eyes of its customers. It would not have been sensible to abandon this asset. So, putting it simply, Regional Railways trades as “Regional Railways” in England and Wales, and “ScotRail” in Scotland.
The house colours remain, as before, dark blue and grey but the colours will be richer and have more depth. The designers have ensured that a particular colour will appear the same on large surface areas, such as rolling stock, as on small items, such as printed documents. Colours appear paler on large areas so adjustments have to be made according to the scale of the painted or printed object.
The fleximark (the band of horizontal lines) is an innovation that will, little by little, stamp itself indelibly on the mind of the customer. It is a flexible ‘linking device’ (not a symbol) that will appear everywhere: on the rolling stock, the stationery, the signs and the promotional material. So it is ‘flexible’ in terms of context, and in terms of size and position.
It is, however, deceptive. Like the Regional Railways logotype, it has to be reproduced with absolute accuracy, according to the detailed instructions contained in the Identity Management binder, if it is not to become distorted and thereby lose its character and power.