- Posters
- Promotional leaflets
- Campaigns
- Special promotions
- House style
Every profit centre within Regional Railways and every one of the Passenger Transport Executives is striving to provide a service of quality. And every one has something special to contribute to the whole. A little of the excellence of one offer can easily rub off onto another, to everyone’s advantage, as long as each of them is recognisably part of the whole. In other words, customers who have thoroughly enjoyed a ride on the Settle to Carlisle line and who then recognise another piece of literature from the same ‘stable’, promoting some other kind of offer, are much more likely to respond positively.
For this reason, the corporate identity has laid down a format for the production of promotional literature and posters. The public response, according to thorough research, has been favourable. The grid allows for bright colours so that the leaflets stand out amongst the competition. The grid ensures that the offer is placed prominently at the top with Regional Railways branding as an endorsement at the bottom. The fleximark will, as always, provide the principal Regional Railways family characteristic.
The very fact that Regional Railways is to be promoted at all is in itself an innovation and it will be done on 48-sheet posters, in newspaper advertisements and on television.
The information sheets contained in the Identity Management binder will spell out all the essentials to enable promotional print to be designed according to the grid. Even so. there will be briefings and follow-up sessions to ensure that everyone who is actively involved is confident about what they are doing and happy with the results.