The class 142 in Regional Railways livery. The dark blue band allows the windows to merge into the background instead of breaking up the otherwise sleek and appropriately linear appearance.
This is the Regional Railways style of moquette. The spot colours may be customised for PTE liveried vehicles or modified to suit older classes with non-neutral interior colours.
In Scotland the class 158 is endorsed with the ScotRail logotype. In England and Wales ‘Regional Railways’ is used to denote the operator.
Centro house colours applied to Regional Railways livery lines on a class 150/1.
The livery has been carefully tailored to follow the characteristic shape of each vehicle class.
Artist’s impression of the new class 323 which will feature Centro or Greater Manchester PTE house colours applied to Regional Railways livery lines.
It will also carry the business style of moquette with spot colours to complement the liveries and interiors.
It is essential that the whole product is giving a quality message to our customers. All design details are important.
The BR symbol acts as a pictogram to tell the traveller where the station is. Regional Railways branding would not be appropriate at this point.
The totem may acknowledge the contribution of a PTE or approved major sponsor.
A specially designed plaque may be used to acknowledge financial support for a quality station improvement.
Corporate signing using Rail Alphabet and pictograms will continue to be used.
The fleximark and house colour is used on platform signs. In Scotland the ScotRail logotype is also applied.
The Negotiation Document on station signing illustrates what is and is not negotiable for sponsorship acknowledgement on stations
A line image can be associated with heritage signing to point out interesting railway features along the route. Shown here is the Settle- Carlisle line image.